Alan Johnson is a Brooklyn-based Software Engineer

A screenshot of the homepage of the HomeLister website

BuildStream is a UK-focused construction site worker recruitment platform. Prior to a major pivot, it began as an IoT platform that helped construction companies manage their heavy equipment fleets using proprietary sensor technology attached to onsite equipment that could monitor the equipment's location, usage, and maintenance needs, displaying site data in real time on a web-based console that also provided analytics and reporting tools.

Selected Work

Live Heavy Equipment Status Map


Map-based view displaying the location and status of heavy equipment across multiple active construction sites

Sole Developer
A screenshot of the Live Map view of the Buildstream website

Analytics Dashboard


Configurable, responsive dashboard widgets displaying key metrics and analytics

Sole Developer
A screenshot of the Analytics Dashboard view of the Buildstream website

Graphs and Charts


D3.js-based SVG graphs and charts displaying key metrics and analytics

Sole Developer
A screenshot of the additional graphs in the Analytics Dashboard view of the Buildstream website